Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering

Install the NGINX Web Server and Proxy on Oracle Linux

Learn how to install and enable the NGINX web server and proxy on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Jun 7, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Create Users and Groups on Oracle Linux

Learn to perform user and group administration, implement user private group scheme, and grant user elevated privileges. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Provides an Oracle Linux system (ol-server) provisioned with the following: An oracle user account with sudo privileges. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Administration. Dec 01, 2020 - Initial version. Feb 19, 2020 - Style edits. Mar 03, 2022 - Updated for new Oracle Linux Training standards. Jul 7, 2022 - Updated hostname reference. Aug 21, 2023 - Modified all new users being created to have more generic names. Removed all example output jpg images and replaced with editable text example outputs.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Get Started with Podman on Oracle Linux

Learn to install and use Podman on Oracle Linux to run containers. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Containers, Docker. Oct 30, 2020 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use DNF on Oracle Linux

Learn how to use DNF to manage packages and modules and apply security fixes on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. May 11, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Encrypt Drives Using LUKS on Oracle Linux

Learn how to encrypt a device using LUKS on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. A block device attached to the system. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Basic. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. July 23, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use SELinux on Oracle Linux

Learn to use SELinux on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Apr 12, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Run a Compact Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to install and configure a compact deployment of Oracle Cloud Native Environment on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Provides a single-node installation (ocne-node01) of Oracle Cloud Native Environment provisioned on Oracle Linux thereby providing the following Kubernetes functionality all on a single node : Operator node, Control plane node. Worker node. Which has been provisioned with the following: An oracle user account with sudo privileges. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. June 16, 2022 - Initial version. Jul 7, 2022 - Updated hostname reference. Aug 9, 2023 - Updated for Release 1.7. Feb 7, 2024 - Updated for Release 1.8.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Configure Logical Volumes on Oracle Linux

Learn how to use LVM utilities to create and work with logical volumes. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of one Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. An additional block device. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Jun 20, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Mirror a Yum Repository on Oracle Linux

Learn to mirror and share a Yum repository with local, offline, or distributed systems. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Two Oracle Linux systems, one for the server and the other as a client. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Storage with enough free space to contain the repository mirror. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux, software management, DNF, Yum, reposync. Mar, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Deploy an External Load Balancer with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to deploy a Highly Available Oracle Cloud Native Environment using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancer. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a 6-node Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster: Operator node. 3 Kubernetes control plane node. 2 Kubernetes worker node. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. July 29, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
2 hours
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use a Container to Create a DNF or ULN Repository Mirror

Learn to use reposync in a container to create a DNF or ULN mirror service. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Mar 15, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Configure iSCSI targets and initiators on Oracle Linux on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Learn how to configure an iSCSI targets and initiators. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Provides an Oracle Linux system (ol-server) provisioned with the following: An oracle user account with sudo privileges. 3 block volumes attached to the instance. A second Oracle Linux system (ol-client). Oracle Linux. iSCSI, targets, initiators, Cloud. Feb, 2022 - Initial version. Jul 7, 2022 - Updated hostname reference.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Manage KVM Virtual Machines using Oracle Linux Automation Manager

Learn how to use the libvirt community collection to manage KVM virtual machines with Oracle Linux Automation Manager. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. A system with Oracle Linux Automation Manager installed. Access to a Git repository. An Oracle Linux system with KVM installed. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Mar 28, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
How to Upgrade Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to upgrade to the latest Oracle Cloud Native Environment release. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a 3-node Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster: Operator node. Kubernetes control plane node. Kubernetes worker node. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Apr 7, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Install Minikube on Oracle Linux

Learn to quickly install a local Kubernetes cluster using Minikube on Oracle Linux to develop for Cloud Native environments. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Podman and cURL packages. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Apr 12, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Get Started with Oracle Database Free on Oracle Linux

Learn to install the Oracle Database Free on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Apr 13, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Disable a Kernel Module on Oracle Linux

Learn how to disable a kernel module and prevent it from loading at boot time. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. May 03, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Install Project Quay Using Podman on Oracle Linux

Learn to run and configure the Project Quay container image registry on Podman. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Podman and cURL packages. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Podman, Project Quay. Jan 04, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Get Started With the Btrfs File System on Oracle Linux

Learn to create, extend, and recover a Btrfs file system on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system running the UEK kernel. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Sep 29, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Build a Software RAID Array on Oracle Linux

Learn how to build a RAID array using the Oracle Linux kernel multidisk driver. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Two or more block devices attached to the system. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. May 31, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Install Oracle Java SE on Oracle Linux

Learn to install the Oracle Java SE platform on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux 8 installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. May 31, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Set System Host Names and Locale on Oracle Linux

Learn to change your hostname and locale settings on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 7, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Migrate Oracle Linux Automation Manager to a Clustered Deployment

Learn how to migrate a single-host Oracle Linux Automation Manager installation to a clustered deployment with a remote database. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Provides a system with Oracle Linux Automation Manager 2 installed (control-node) and two additional nodes for migrating to a clustered deployment. Each node provisioned with the following: An oracle user account with sudo privileges. An SSH keypair for the non-root user. Ability to ssh from one host to the others using passwordless ssh login. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 07, 2022 - Initial version. Sep 07, 2023 - Review for Oracle Linux Automation Manager Release 2.1.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Configure RAID Logical Volumes on Oracle Linux

Learn how to configure RAID Logical Volumes on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Six or more block devices attached to the system. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. May 20, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Audit Oracle Linux with Auditd

Learn how to audit Oracle Linux with the auditing daemon. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of two Oracle Linux systems. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Apr 1, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Custom Execution Environments with Oracle Linux Automation Manager

Learn to deploy and configure a custom execution environment in Oracle Linux Automation Manager for running jobs. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Three systems running Oracle Linux. A development environment using the Builder utility. One for Private Automation Hub. Another for running Oracle Linux Automation Manager. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Nov 07, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to create and use Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims with Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of one Oracle Linux instance. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. OCI cluster creation requires access to the following resources in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy: Virtual cloud network with four subnets. Network load balancer. Object Storage bucket with minimum 5 GiB available. Compute Custom Image. Compute Arm Shape for the control plane node. VM.Standard.A1.Flex with two OCPU and 12 memory. Compute for each additional control plane and worker node. VM.Standard.E4.Flex with four OCPU and 64 memory. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Nov 07, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use ConfigMaps and Secrets with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to create and use ConfigMaps and Secrets with Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. a single control and worker node. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Sep 26, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Reduce and Relocate Volume Groups on Oracle Linux

Learn how to remove a physical volume from a volume group and then move the volume group to another server. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of two Oracle Linux systems. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Additional block volumes for use with LVM. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Jun 6, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use MetalLB with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to configure MetalLB with Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of 7 Oracle Linux instances for the Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster: Operator node. 3 Kubernetes control plane nodes. 3 Kubernetes worker nodes. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Prerequisites for Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Additional requirements include: A virtual IP address for the primary control plane node. Do not use this IP address on any of the nodes. The load balancer dynamically sets the IP address to the control plane node assigned as the primary controller. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. May 16, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Introducing Kubectl with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn the basics of using kubectl with Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Apr 14, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Create Virtual Cloud Networks in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

This lab provides the environment and instruction to manually create (non wizard) Virtual Cloud Networks in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. It shows the dialogs used to create the VCN, add subnets and CIDR blocks for IP Addressing, and how to delete Virtual Cloud Networks. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. January 03, 2022 - Initial version September 13, 2023 - Updated for changes in dialog windows and UI graphical style.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Create VMs with KVM on Oracle Linux

Learn how to deploy KVM on Oracle Linux to create and manage virtual machines. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. May 31, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use OCI iSCSI Utility on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Learn how to use the OCI iSCSI Utility to manage iSCSI block volumes on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Provides an Oracle Linux system provisioned with the following: An oracle user account with sudo privileges. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. January 03, 2022 - Initial version April 11, 2022 - Luna Lab version. July 07, 2022 - Updated hostname reference.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Introduction to the Shell and Command Line on Oracle Linux

Learn to use the Oracle Linux shell and command line to perform a series of introductory tasks to administer the system. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. March 23, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Create an NFS Server on Oracle Linux

Learn how to install and configure an NFS server, mount NFS shares, and use the autofs utility. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of two Oracle Linux systems. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. NFS. Mar 4, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Systemd on Oracle Linux

Learn to use systemd to manage system services in system and user space. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Mar 20, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Network Bound Disk Encryption on Oracle Linux

Learn how to use Network Bound Disk Encryption with Tang and Clevis on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of two Oracle Linux systems. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. A disk or block device attached to the system to use for encrypted storage. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Jun 3, 2021 - Initial draft.

Time Limit
40 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Manage Execution Environments in Oracle Linux Automation Manager Private Automation Hub

Learn to manage execution environments with Private Automation Hub. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Two systems running Oracle Linux. One for installing Private Automation Hub. Another for running the Builder utility and acting as a client to Private Automation Hub. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 17, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 15 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Install kind on Oracle Linux

Learn to install a local Kubernetes cluster using kind on Oracle Linux to develop for Cloud Native environments. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Podman and cURL packages. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. July 26, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Setup HAProxy to Load Balance an Oracle Linux Automation Manager Cluster

Learn how to configure HAProxy to Load Balance an Oracle Linux Automation Manager Cluster. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Provides 6 nodes for Oracle Linux Automation Manager 2.1 installation. Installation consists of 3 control nodes, 2 execution nodes, and a remote database. creates a non-root user named oracle with sudo permissions on each node. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Apr 24, 2023 - Initial version. Sep 07, 2023 - Review for Oracle Linux Automation Manager Release 2.1.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Install Podman Desktop

Learn how to install Podman Desktop. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A Linux graphical desktop environment. A non-root user account with sudo access. Podman and cURL packages. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Podman, Podman Desktop. Oct 18, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Write a Playbook with Oracle Linux Automation Engine

Learn to write a playbook using the Oracle Linux Automation Engine. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. A minimum of two Oracle Linux systems with the following configuration: a non-root user with. permissions. ssh keypair for the non-root user. the ability to SSH from one host to another using a passwordless SSH login. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 13, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Enable Istio Proxy Sidecar Injection in Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to enable Istio Proxy Sidecar Injection in Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a 9-node Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster: Operator node. 3 Kubernetes control plane nodes. 5 Kubernetes worker nodes. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Sep 21, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
2 hours, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Scale a Kubernetes Cluster on Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to scale a Kubernetes Cluster on Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Deploys a 9-node Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster: Operator node. 3 Kubernetes control plane node. 5 Kubernetes worker nodes. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Additionally the lab provides: Access to an OCI Load Balancer. 4 additional Oracle Linux instances for scaling. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Aug 24, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
3 hours, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Deploy Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn to install and configure Oracle Cloud Native Environment on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a 3-node Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster: Operator node. Kubernetes control plane node. Kubernetes worker node. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Apr 21, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Get Started with Oracle Linux Automation Manager

Learn how to setup and use Oracle Linux Automation Manager. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Provides a system with Oracle Linux Automation Manager 2.0 installed (ol-node) and an additional node running a Git Server. creates a non-root user named oracle with sudo permissions on each node. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 25, 2022 - Initial version. Sep 07, 2023 - Review for Oracle Linux Automation Manager Release 2.1.

Time Limit
1 hour, 45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Integrate LDAP User Management with Oracle Linux Automation Manager

Learn how to integrate LDAP user management with Oracle Linux Automation Manager. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. A system with Oracle Linux Automation Manager installed. An available LDAP server, such as the open-source FreeIPA identity management server. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Nov 22, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Get Started with Git on Oracle Linux

Learn how to install and get started using Git on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 16, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Upgrade to Oracle Linux Automation Manager

Learn how to upgrade an Oracle Linux Automation Manager Release 1.0 installation to Release 2.1. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Provides a system with Oracle Linux Automation Manager 1 installed (control-node) and two additional nodes for migrating to a clustered deployment. Each node provisioned with the following: An oracle user account with sudo privileges. An SSH keypair for the non-root user. Ability to ssh from one host to the others using passwordless ssh login. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 05, 2022 - Initial version. Sep 07, 2023 - Review for Oracle Linux Automation Manager Release 2.1.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Quick Install to Deploy Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn to use Quick Install to install and configure Oracle Cloud Native Environment on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a 3-node Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster: Operator node. Kubernetes control plane node. Kubernetes worker node. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 28, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 15 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Configure Podman Containers with Oracle Linux Automation Engine

Learn how to use Oracle Linux Automation Engine to deploy Podman Containers on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. An Oracle Linux system with the following configuration: a non-root user with. permissions. install Oracle Linux Automation Engine. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Nov 01, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Oracle Linux Lab Basics

This lab aims to highlight the basic functionality of using the Oracle Linux free lab environment, starting with connecting to an instance. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Upon completion of this Lab, you will be able to: Find an instance IP address. Check if the environment is deployed. This lab is intended for: Anyone interested in Oracle Linux free labs. Entry-level knowledge of command-line Linux/Unix. Oracle Linux. Feb 1, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
15 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Deploy a High Availability Project Quay using Podman on Oracle Linux

Learn to set up and use a high-availability deployment of Project Quay Registry using Podman and HAProxy on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Four Oracle Linux systems. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Firewall and ingress rules to allow TCP and/or HTTP traffic for the services. | Server Name | Role/Purpose | | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | |. | Hosts the HAProxy load balancer and the Postgres database | |. , , | Hosts the Project Quay and Redis servers |. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Podman, Project Quay, Registry. March 27, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Install FreeIPA Server on Oracle Linux

Learn how to install and configure a FreeIPA Server on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. An FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name ) pointing to your server’s IP address. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux, LDAP, Authentication, Identity. Sep 22, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Oracle Cluster File System Tools on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Learn how to configure an Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2) on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Two Oracle Linux systems running the UEK kernel. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: a non-root user with sudo permissions. Attach a single 50GB block volume to each instance using iSCSI as read-write and shareable for use with OCFS2. OCI Ingress Rules allowing TCP and UDP traffic on port 7777. Security lists control the traffic in and out of the various subnets associated with the VCN. When configuring an OCFS2 cluster, you must add an ingress rule allowing access to instances through TCP and UDP port 7777. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. OCFS2 storage, Linux, clustered storage, cloud. Feb 21, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Provision Persistent Volumes Using File Storage Service on Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to provision Persistent Volumes using File Storage service on Oracle Cloud Native Environment on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Deploys a three-node Oracle Cloud Native Environment: Operator node (ocne-operator). Control plane node (ocne-control). Worker node (ocne-worker). Each node provisions with the following: An oracle user account with sudo privileges. An SSH keypair for the non-root user. Ability to ssh from one host to the others using passwordless ssh login. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Mar 16, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Kubectl to Manage Kubernetes Clusters and Nodes on Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to use kubectl to manage Kubernetes Clusters and Nodes with Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. a single control node and 3 worker nodes. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. May 12, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 15 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Run Oracle Database on Oracle Linux for Arm

Learn to install Oracle Database using Oracle Linux on the Arm architecture. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of one Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Jul 27, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Hop Nodes on Oracle Linux Automation Manager

Learn how to use a hop node in Oracle Linux Automation Manager. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Provides 6 nodes for Oracle Linux Automation Manager 2.0 installation. Installation consists of 2 control nodes, 3 execution nodes, a hop node, and a remote database. creates a non-root user named oracle with sudo permissions on each node. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Jan 30, 2023 - Initial version. Sep 07, 2023 - Review for Oracle Linux Automation Manager Release 2.1.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Run KubeVirt on Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to deploy and run KubeVirt using Rook and Ceph on Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Provides a seven-node Oracle Linux environment, Load Balancer, and Registry: Operator node (. ). 2 Control plane nodes (. , ). 3 Worker nodes (. , , ). OCI Load Balancer. OCI Container Registry. DevOps node. Each Oracle Linux instance provisioned with the following: An oracle user account with sudo privileges. An SSH keypair for the non-root user. Ability to ssh from one host to the others using passwordless ssh login. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. July 15, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
2 hours, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use OCI Ansible Collection with Oracle Linux Automation Manager

Learn how to use the OCI Ansible Collection with Oracle Linux Automation Manager. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. A system with Oracle Linux Automation Manager installed. Access to a git repository. An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) account. A user in the OCI account with permission to work with resources in a compartment. Access to that account's credentials and OCID information. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Dec 12, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Run Control Group Version 2 on Oracle Linux

Learn how to use control group version 2 on Oracle Linux to limit the CPU time for user slices. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Mar 10, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Deploy Keycloak Using Podman on Oracle Linux

Learn how to deploy Keycloak to provide application authentication and secure services using OAuth and SAML. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Podman and cURL packages. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Keycloak, Podman. Oct 18, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Run Oracle Linux Tasks with Oracle Linux Automation Engine

Learn to use Oracle Linux Automation Engine to perform the initial configuration and other administrative tasks for Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. A minimum of two Oracle Linux systems with the following configuration: a non-root user with. permissions. ssh keypair for the non-root user. the ability to SSH from one host to another using a passwordless SSH login. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 22, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 15 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Horizontal Pod Autoscaling with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn to configure Horizontal Pod Autoscaling on Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. How to install. How to use Horizontal Pod Autoscaling to enable deployments to respond to a changing workload. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Dec 11, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Deploy HAProxy Using Podman on Oracle Linux

Learn to run and configure HAProxy in a container using Podman. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of 4 Oracle Linux systems. HAProxy node. 3 Web Application nodes. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Podman and cURL packages. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Podman, HAProxy, Load Balancer. Mar 07, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Add Third-Party Software Sources to Oracle OS Management Hub

Learn to add a third-party software source (Yum repository) from an independent software vendor or independent hardware vendor to Oracle OS Management Hub. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Access to an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy with: An administrative user group, a dynamic group identifying instance resources, and the IAM policies that enable OS Management Hub. Oracle Linux compute instances. Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) or configured network access that supports OS Management Hub. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Feb 27, 2025 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 15 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Vertical Pod Autoscaling with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to configure VerticalPodAutoscaler to scale the Pods resources on an Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. How to install. How to use Vertical Pod Autoscaling to enable deployments to respond to a changing workload. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Jan 03, 2025 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Configure the Oracle Cloud Native Environment User Interface

Learn to configure the Oracle Cloud Native Environment User Interface. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 09, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Monitor and Update Oracle Linux with Oracle OS Management Hub

Learn to manage and monitor OS updates for Oracle Linux compute instances using Oracle OS Management Hub in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Access to an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy with: An administrative user group, a dynamic group identifying instance resources, and the IAM policies that enable OS Management Hub. OCI compute instances running supported OS. Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) or configured network access that supports OS Management Hub. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 16, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 15 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Labels and Node Selector with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn to use Labels and Node Selector with Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. a single control node and two worker nodes. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Mar 26, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Operators on Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn to deploy and use Operators with Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Deploys a 4-node Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster: Operator node. Kubernetes control plane node. 2 Kubernetes worker nodes. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. June 12, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 15 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Kubepug with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn to install and run kubepug on Oracle Cloud Native Environment to detect deprecated APIs before upgrading Kubernetes. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. a single control node and worker node. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 14, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Taints and Tolerations with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to use taints and tolerations with Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. a single control node and two worker nodes. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Mar 07, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Ingress-Nginx Controller with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to deploy and use Ingress-Nginx Controller on Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Deploys a 4-node Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster: Operator node. Kubernetes control plane node. 2 Kubernetes worker nodes. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment with the OCI Cloud Controller Manager. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. June 12, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Btrfs Send and Receive to Create a Secure Remote Backup Facility

Learn how to use the Btrfs send and receive features to remotely back up a subvolume over SSH. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of two Oracle Linux systems running the UEK kernel. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. A block device attached to each system and formatted with Btrfs. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Aug 15, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Install the VNC Remote Access Server on Oracle Linux

Learn to install the VNC remote access server and enable it in Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Any system with the latest Oracle Linux installed. Client software such as. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Mar 03, 2025 - Initial version.

Time Limit
30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Run the Ingress-Nginx Controller using MetalLB on Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn to deploy and use the Ingress-Nginx Controller with MetalLB on Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. a single control node and worker node. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 05, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Explore System Configuration Files and Kernel Tunables on Oracle Linux

Learn to use the sysctl command and explore the /proc, /sys and /etc/sysconfig file systems. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Administration. Feb 8, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use OCI Cloud Controller Manager on Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to enable the LoadBalancer Service type in Oracle Cloud Native Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a 3-node Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster: Operator node. Kubernetes control plane node. Kubernetes worker node. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Jun 29, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Deploy Internal Load Balancer with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to deploy a Highly Available Oracle Cloud Native Environment using the Internal Load Balancer based on Keepalived. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of 6 Oracle Linux instances for the Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster: Operator node. 3 Kubernetes control plane nodes. 2 Kubernetes worker nodes. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Prerequisites for Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Additional requirements include: A virtual IP address for the primary control plane node. Do not use this IP address on any of the nodes. The load balancer dynamically sets the IP address to the control plane node assigned as the primary controller. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. May 24, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Run Kubernetes on Oracle Linux

Learn to run Kubernetes on Oracle Linux using Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Jun 17, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Oracle Ksplice on Oracle Linux

Learn to perform various Ksplice related tasks on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Set up as a standard or enhanced Oracle Ksplice client. Access to the internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Sep 17, 2021 - Initial draft.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use an OCI Dynamic Inventory with Oracle Linux Automation Engine

Learn to use the OCI Dynamic Inventory with Oracle Linux Automation Engine. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. A minimum of two Oracle Linux systems with the following configuration: a non-root user with. permissions. ssh keypair for the non-root user. the ability to SSH from one host to another using a passwordless SSH login. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Mar 29, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Switch from CentOS 7 to Oracle Linux 7

Learn how to switch a CentOS 7 instance to Oracle Linux 7. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Provides a CentOS 7 system (centos-7) provisioned with the following: An oracle user account with sudo privilages. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. DNF, Cron, Bash, Git. Nov 10, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use ReaR to Perform an Oracle Linux Backup

Learn how to perform a backup of Oracle Linux using the ReaR disaster recovery solution. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of three Oracle Linux systems. An Oracle Linux system as the ReaR client. An NFS server as the backup storage location. Another system for the recovery. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. NFS, ReaR, Backup. May 20, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use the tmux Terminal Multiplexer on Oracle Linux

Learn to use tmux to control multiple terminal windows in a persistent session on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Jun 23, 2021 - Initial draft.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Oracle VirtualBox on Oracle Linux

Learn to create virtual machines and run Oracle VirtualBox on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of one Oracle Linux instance. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. A graphical desktop. A VNC (Virtual Network Computing) server if running a headless/remote system. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 8, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Work with File Systems on Oracle Linux

Learn how to create, and mount file systems on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access Access to the Internet Two or more block devices attached to the system. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Jun 20, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Manage the Boot Kernel with Grubby on Oracle Linux

Learn how to manage the boot kernel with grubby in Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Jun 16, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Configuring SSH Tunnels in Oracle Linux

Learn how to configure SSH tunnels to establish secure connections using Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of two Oracle Linux systems. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Access to the Internet. IT Administrator. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. May 11, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Manage System Time and Schedule Tasks on Oracle Linux

Learn to set your system's date and time and schedule tasks using systemd timers on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Jun 30, 2021 - Initial Draft.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Install Oracle Linux Automation Manager on Oracle Linux

Learn how to install the Oracle Linux Automation Manager on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. A system with Oracle Linux installed. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 12, 2021 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Compose Files with Podman on Oracle Linux

Learn to install podman-compose and use compose files with Podman on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. and cURL packages. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Podman, Compose, Docker Compose. Jan 17, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Upgrade Oracle Linux with Leapp

Learn to upgrade the latest Oracle Linux 7 release to Oracle 8 and then to Oracle Linux 9 using the Leapp utility. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. An Oracle Linux instance running the latest release of Oracle Linux 7. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. 26 Mar 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
2 hours
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Build Custom Execution Environments with Oracle Linux Automation Manager Builder Utility

Learn to build custom execution environments for Oracle Linux Automation Manager. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. A system running Oracle Linux. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Sep 26, 2023 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use and Enable ACLs on Oracle Linux

Learn how to use and enable ACLs on Oracle Linux. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of one Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the Internet. An additional block device. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. July 10, 2022 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Scale an Oracle Cloud Native Environment Cluster

Learn how to configure cluster scaling on Oracle Cloud Native Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of one Oracle Linux instance. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. OCI cluster creation requires access to the following resources in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy: Virtual cloud network with four subnets. Network load balancer. Object Storage bucket with minimum 5 GiB available. Compute Custom Image. Compute Arm Shape for the control plane node. VM.Standard.A1.Flex with 2 ocpu and 12 memory. Compute for each additional control plane and worker node. VM.Standard.E4.Flex with 4 ocpu and 64 memory. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Nov 05, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
2 hours
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Install Oracle Cloud Native Environment Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Provider

Learn to use the oci provider to deploy and manage Oracle Cloud Native Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of one Oracle Linux instance. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. OCI cluster creation requires access to the following resources in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy: Virtual cloud network with four subnets. Network load balancer. Object Storage bucket with minimum 5 GiB available. Compute Custom Image. Compute Arm Shape for the control plane node. VM.Standard.A1.Flex with 2 ocpu and 12 memory. Compute for each additional control plane and worker node. VM.Standard.E4.Flex with 4 ocpu and 64 memory. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Sep 23, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Manage Oracle Linux Automation Manager Using the AWX Collection

Learn to manage and create resources in Oracle Linux Automation Manager using the AWX Collection. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. A control node for running Oracle Linux Automation Engine playbooks. An instance of Oracle Linux Automation Manager. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Feb 29, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use and Configure CoreDNS with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to use and configure CoreDNS with Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. a single control node and single worker node. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Advanced. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. June 3, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 30 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Deploy Oracle Cloud Native Environment User Interface

Learn how to deploy the user interface on Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Deploys a 4-node Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster: Operator node. Kubernetes control plane node. 2 Kubernetes worker nodes. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. June 12, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Create Custom Oracle Linux Images with Image Builder

Learn to use the Image Builder tool from command line to create custom Oracle Linux images to deploy on cloud and bare metal systems. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of a single Oracle Linux system. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. Access to the internet. Linux Administrator, Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Sept 10, 2021 - Initial version Sept 25, 2024 - Final review complete Sept 26, 2024 - Published. Changed to Public.

Time Limit
2 hours
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Install Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Learn to deploy Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Access to an OCI tenancy. A new VCN ( with these resources: One public subnet ( for the primary VNIC on the hosted engine and Oracle Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) hosts. One private subnet ( for the secondary VNIC on the hosted engine and KVM hosts. One Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) 1 ( for the KVM hosts virtual machines. One Internet Gateway. One Service Gateway. One public route table ( through Internet Gateway) and associate it with the public subnet and VLAN 1. One private route table (ALL through Service Gateway) and associate it with the private subnet. Security lists should allow: All egress connections ( all protocols. All ingress connections from VCN CIDR ( Ingress connection for all protocols from client PC. Two 1TB block storage volumes. Create one VM instance (recommended configuration: VM.Standard.E5.Flex with 2 OCPUs/32GB RAM) running Oracle Linux for the hosted engine. Attach a secondary VNIC to the VM instance, and connect it to the private subnet. Create two VM instances (recommended configuration: VM.Standard.E5.Flex with 8 OCPUs/64GB RAM) running Oracle Linux that will be used as KVM hosts. Attach two secondary VNICs to each of the VM hosts and connect them to the private subnet and the VLAN. Attach two block volumes to each as read-write and shareable. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Jan 05, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
3 hours
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Manage Oracle Linux at Scale with Groups in Oracle OS Management Hub

Learn to manage Oracle Linux updates for many OCI compute instances as a unified and standardized group in Oracle OS Management Hub. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Prerequisites are access to an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy with: An administrative user group, a dynamic group identifying instance resources, and the IAM policies that enable OS Management Hub. Oracle Linux compute instances. Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) or configured network access that supports OS Management Hub. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Beginner. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Oct 16, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 15 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Install Oracle Cloud Native Environment Using the libvirt Provider

Learn to create a Kubernetes Cluster using the libvirt provider with the Oracle Cloud Native Environment CLI. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Minimum of one Oracle Linux instance. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Sep 23, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Pasta Networking with Podman on Oracle Linux

Learn how to use Pasta Networking with Podman. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Two Oracle Linux systems. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: A non-root user account with sudo access. The latest Oracle Linux Release. and cURL packages. Access to the Internet. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. Feb 05, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Affinity with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn to use Affinity and Anti-affinity with Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. a single control node and four worker nodes. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. April 16, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 15 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Use Stateless Deployments with Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to use Stateless Deployments with Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. a single control and worker node. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. May 09, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
45 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering
Backup Control Plane Nodes on Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Learn to backup, restore, and inspect a control plane backup for Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Having an issue with the lab? Have an idea on how it could be made better? Want to tell us how awesome the lab is? Click the icon below to contact the team and let us know your feedback. Deploys a 4-node Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster: Operator node. Kubernetes control plane node. 2 Kubernetes worker nodes. Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with: An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access. Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts. Installation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment. Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer. Intermediate. Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux. April 24, 2024 - Initial version.

Time Limit
1 hour, 15 minutes
Linux OS and Virtualization Engineering