Learn how to configure an Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2) on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
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Lab Overview
Two Oracle Linux systems running the UEK kernel
Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with:
- a non-root user with sudo permissions
Attach a single 50GB block volume to each instance using iSCSI as read-write and shareable for use with OCFS2
OCI Ingress Rules allowing TCP and UDP traffic on port 7777
Security lists control the traffic in and out of the various subnets associated with the VCN. When configuring an OCFS2 cluster, you must add an ingress rule allowing access to instances through TCP and UDP port 7777.
Intended Audience
Developer, IT Administrator, DevOps Engineer
Oracle Linux
OCFS2 storage, Linux, clustered storage, cloud
Feb 21, 2022 - Initial version