Install Oracle Cloud Native Environment Using the libvirt Provider

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Install Oracle Cloud Native Environment Using the libvirt Provider


Oracle Cloud Native Environment includes a Command Line Interface (CLI) that can manage the life cycle of Kubernetes clusters using OSTree-based container images. Oracle Cloud Native Environment includes several provider types you can use to create a Kubernetes cluster, and this tutorial introduces how to use the ocne cluster command to create Kernel-based Virtual Machines (KVM) using the libvirt provider.

The libvirt provider is the default Oracle Cloud Native Environment provider and provisions Kubernetes clusters using KVM. Oracle Cloud Native Environment uses the Oracle KVM stack to install libvirt because this version offers many more features for Oracle Linux-based systems.

For more information about Oracle Cloud Native Environment 2, please refer to the current Release Documentation site.


In this tutorial, you'll learn to:

  • Install the libvirt provider
  • Install the Oracle Cloud Native Environment Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Use the libvirt provider to create and manage a Kubernetes cluster


  • Minimum of one Oracle Linux instance

  • Each system should have Oracle Linux installed and configured with:

    • An Oracle user account (used during the installation) with sudo access
    • Key-based SSH, also known as password-less SSH, between the hosts

If you wish to bypass the Install the libvirt Provider step, then run the playbook within the Configure the Oracle Cloud Native Environment step using the -e ocne_type=libvirt option rather than -e ocne_type=none.

Configure the Oracle Cloud Native Environment

Note: If running in your own tenancy, read the linux-virt-labs GitHub project and complete the prerequisites before deploying the lab environment.

  1. Open a terminal on the Luna Desktop.

  2. Clone the linux-virt-labs GitHub project.

    git clone
  3. Change into the working directory.

    cd linux-virt-labs/ocne2
  4. Install the required collections.

    ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
  5. Deploy the lab environment.

    ansible-playbook create_instance.yml -e localhost_python_interpreter="/usr/bin/python3.6" -e ocne_type=none

    The free lab environment requires the extra variable local_python_interpreter, which sets ansible_python_interpreter for plays running on localhost. This variable is needed because the environment installs the RPM package for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK for Python, located under the python3.6 modules.

    The default deployment shape uses the AMD CPU and Oracle Linux 8. To use an Intel CPU or Oracle Linux 9, add -e instance_shape="VM.Standard3.Flex" or -e os_version="9" to the deployment command.

    Important: Wait for the playbook to run successfully and reach the pause task. At this stage of the playbook, the installation of the Oracle Cloud Native Environment is complete, and the instances are ready. Take note of the previous play, which prints the public and private IP addresses of the nodes it deploys and any other deployment information needed while running the lab.

Install the libvirt Provider

Set up the host to enable Kubernetes cluster creation using the libvirt provider.

  1. Open a terminal and connect via SSH to the ocne instance.

    ssh oracle@<ip_address_of_instance>
  2. Install the Ansible package and dependencies.

    sudo dnf install -y ansible-core python3-lxml
  3. Create a requirements file for collections.

    cat << EOF | tee ~/requirements.yml > /dev/null
    - ansible.posix
    - community.general
    - community.crypto
    - community.libvirt
  4. Install the collections.

    ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
  5. Create an Ansible configuration file.

    cat << EOF | tee ~/ansible.cfg > /dev/null
    nocows = 1
    host_key_checking = false
    interpreter_python = auto_silent
    inventory = host
  6. Create an inventory file.

    cat << EOF | tee ~/host > /dev/null
  7. Verify you can connect to each host in the inventory.

    ansible all -m ping

    The output should list each host with a SUCCESS ping: pong response.

  8. Create a playbook to deploy KVM with libvirt.

    cat << EOF | tee ~/deploy_kvm.yml > /dev/null
    - name: Gather host facts
      hosts: all
        - name: Run facts module
    - name: Configure VMs
      hosts: server
      become: true
        - name: Install Oracle Linux 8 virtualization packages
              - "@virt"
              - virt-install
              - virt-viewer
              - containers-common
              - cockpit
              - cockpit-machines
            state: present
          when: ansible_distribution == 'OracleLinux' and ansible_distribution_major_version == '8'
        - name: Install Oracle Linux 9 virtualization packages
              - qemu-kvm
              - libvirt
              - virt-install
              - virt-viewer
              - containers-common
              - cockpit
              - cockpit-machines
            state: present
          when: ansible_distribution == 'OracleLinux' and ansible_distribution_major_version == '9'
        - name: Start and enable Oracle Linux 8 monolithic virtualization services
            state: started
            name: libvirtd.service
            enabled: true
          when: ansible_distribution == 'OracleLinux' and ansible_distribution_major_version == '8'
        - name: Start and enable Oracle Linux 9 modular 'ro' virtualization services
            state: started
            name: "virt{{ item }}d-ro.socket"
            enabled: true
            - qemu
            - network
            - nodedev
            - nwfilter
            - secret
            - storage
            - interface
            - proxy
          when: ansible_distribution == 'OracleLinux' and ansible_distribution_major_version == '9'
        - name: Start and enable Oracle Linux 9 modular 'admin' virtualization services
            state: started
            name: "virt{{ item }}d-admin.socket"
            enabled: true
            - qemu
            - network
            - nodedev
            - nwfilter
            - secret
            - storage
            - interface
            - proxy
          when: ansible_distribution == 'OracleLinux' and ansible_distribution_major_version == '9'
        - name: Start and enable cockpit
            state: started
            name: cockpit.socket
            enabled: true
        - name: Open firewall for cockpit and virsh
            zone: public
            service: "{{ item }}"
            permanent: true
            state: enabled
            immediate: true
            - libvirt
            - libvirt-tls
        - name: Add user to libvirt and qemu group
            name: "{{ username }}"
            groups: libvirt,qemu
            append: true         
  9. Run the deploy_kvm playbook.

    ansible-playbook deploy_kvm.yml -e username="oracle"
  10. Validate the host supports hardware virtualization.

    virt-host-validate qemu

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne ~]$ virt-host-validate qemu
      QEMU: Checking for hardware virtualization                                 : PASS
      QEMU: Checking if device /dev/kvm exists                                   : PASS
      QEMU: Checking if device /dev/kvm is accessible                            : PASS
      QEMU: Checking if device /dev/vhost-net exists                             : PASS
      QEMU: Checking if device /dev/net/tun exists                               : PASS
      QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'cpu' controller support                         : PASS
      QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'cpuacct' controller support                     : PASS
      QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'cpuset' controller support                      : PASS
      QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'memory' controller support                      : PASS
      QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'devices' controller support                     : PASS
      QEMU: Checking for cgroup 'blkio' controller support                       : PASS
      QEMU: Checking for device assignment IOMMU support                         : WARN (No ACPI IVRS table found, IOMMU either disabled in BIOS or not supported by this hardware platform)
      QEMU: Checking for secure guest support                                    : WARN (Unknown if this platform has Secure Guest support) 

    The hardware virtualization check must return a PASS status. Without this, it is not possible to use the libvirt provider to install the cluster successfully.

Install Oracle Cloud Native Environment Runtime

Install the Oracle Cloud Native Environment Command Line Interface (CLI) onto an Oracle host. The CLI provides the ocne executable that we'll use to configure the environment and install clusters.

  1. List all running virtual machines.

    virsh list

    As expected, the output returns no running systems.

  2. List the available Oracle Cloud Native Environment packages.

    sudo dnf search ocne

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne ~]$ sudo dnf search ocne
    Last metadata expiration check: 0:10:51 ago on Mon 23 Sep 2024 12:02:41 PM GMT.
    =========================================================== Name Matched: ocne ============================================================
    oracle-ocne-release-el8.src : Oracle Cloud Native Environment yum repository configuration
    oracle-ocne-release-el8.x86_64 : Oracle Cloud Native Environment yum repository configuration
  3. Install the repository package.

    Oracle Linux 8

    sudo dnf install -y oracle-ocne-release-el8

    Oracle Linux 9

    sudo dnf install -y oracle-ocne-release-el9
  4. List the currently enabled repositories.

    sudo dnf repolist

    Notice that there is no Oracle Cloud Native Environment repository listed.

  5. Enable the repository.

    Oracle Linux 8

    sudo dnf config-manager --enable ol8_ocne

    Oracle Linux 9

    sudo dnf config-manager --enable ol9_ocne
  6. Confirm the repository is enabled.

    sudo dnf repolist
  7. Install the CLI package.

    sudo dnf install -y ocne

Create a Single Node Cluster

  1. Create a single node Oracle Cloud Native Environment cluster.

    ocne cluster start

    Depending on your machine's available resources, the cluster creation can take several minutes to complete while it downloads the image source and sets it up.

    Once completed, enter y to complete the installation and return to the command prompt. Ignore the rest of the post-install steps and proceed to the next step.

    Example Output:

    Run the following command to create an authentication token to access the UI:
        KUBECONFIG='/home/oracle/.kube/kubeconfig.ocne.local' kubectl create token ui -n ocne-system
    Browser window opened, enter 'y' when ready to exit: y
    INFO[2024-09-23T12:31:55Z] Post install information:
    To access the cluster from the VM host:
        copy /home/oracle/.kube/kubeconfig.ocne.vm to that host and run kubectl there
    To access the cluster from this system:
        use /home/oracle/.kube/kubeconfig.ocne.local
    To access the UI, first do kubectl port-forward to allow the browser to access the UI.
    Run the following command, then access the UI from the browser using via https://localhost:8443
        kubectl port-forward -n ocne-system service/ui 8443:443
    Run the following command to create an authentication token to access the UI:
        kubectl create token ui -n ocne-system
  2. Install the Kubernetes command line tool (kubevirt )

    sudo dnf install -y kubectl
  3. Configure kubectl to use the newly created cluster.

    export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/kubeconfig.ocne.local
  4. Confirm that the cluster consists of only one node.

    kubectl get nodes --all-namespaces

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne ~]$ kubectl get nodes --all-namespaces
    NAME                   STATUS   ROLES           AGE    VERSION
    ocne-control-plane-1   Ready    control-plane   3m4s   v1.30.3+1.el8
  5. Confirm the successful deployment of the cluster.

    kubectl get deployments --all-namespaces

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne ~]$ kubectl get deployments --all-namespaces
    kube-system   coredns        2/2     2            2           15m
    ocne-system   ocne-catalog   1/1     1            1           15m
    ocne-system   ui             1/1     1            1           15m
  6. List all of the pods deployed.

    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne ~]$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
    NAMESPACE      NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
    kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-8fbm2                          1/1     Running   1 (16m ago)   16m
    kube-system    coredns-f7d444b54-njk46                        1/1     Running   0             16m
    kube-system    coredns-f7d444b54-xn975                        1/1     Running   0             16m
    kube-system    etcd-ocne-control-plane-1                      1/1     Running   0             16m
    kube-system    kube-apiserver-ocne-control-plane-1            1/1     Running   0             16m
    kube-system    kube-controller-manager-ocne-control-plane-1   1/1     Running   0             16m
    kube-system    kube-proxy-jsfqs                               1/1     Running   0             16m
    kube-system    kube-scheduler-ocne-control-plane-1            1/1     Running   0             16m
    ocne-system    ocne-catalog-578c959566-75rr5                  1/1     Running   0             16m
    ocne-system    ui-84dd57ff69-grxlk                            1/1     Running   0             16m

Create a Multi-Node Cluster

  1. Create a new cluster with 1 Control node and 1 Worker node.

    ocne cluster start --cluster-name test --control-plane-nodes 1 --worker-nodes 1


    • --cluster-name (-C) : The name to use for the new cluster.
    • --control-plane-nodes (-n) : States the number of control plane nodes to provision.
    • --worker-nodes (-w) : States the number of worker nodes to provision.

    See more details here

  2. Confirm the new cluster exists.

    ocne cluster list

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne ~]$ ocne cluster list
  3. Configure kubectl to use the newly created cluster.

    export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/kubeconfig.test.local
  4. Confirm the creation of the new test cluster nodes.

    kubectl get nodes --all-namespaces

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne ~]$ kubectl get nodes --all-namespaces
    NAME                   STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
    test-control-plane-1   Ready    control-plane   33m   v1.30.3+1.el8
    test-worker-1          Ready    <none>          32m   v1.30.3+1.el8

Delete a Cluster

The ability to remove a cluster is an integral part of maintaining your environment.

  1. Confirm the names of any existing clusters.

    ocne cluster list

    The output displays a list showing the ocne and test clusters.

  2. Remove the test cluster.

    ocne cluster delete --cluster-name test


    • --cluster-name (-C) : The name to use for the new cluster.

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne ~]$ ocne cluster delete --cluster-name test
    INFO[2024-09-24T18:36:18Z] Deleting volume test-control-plane-1-init.ign 
    INFO[2024-09-24T18:36:18Z] Deleting volume test-control-plane-1.qcow2   
    INFO[2024-09-24T18:36:18Z] Deleting volume test-worker-1-init.ign       
    INFO[2024-09-24T18:36:18Z] Deleting volume test-worker-1.qcow2          
    INFO[2024-09-24T18:36:18Z] Deleting file /home/oracle/.kube/kubeconfig.test.local 
    INFO[2024-09-24T18:36:18Z] Deleting file /home/oracle/.kube/kubeconfig.test.vm 
  3. Confirm the removal of the cluster.

    ocne cluster list

    Only the ocne cluster remains in the list.

(Optional) Install Bash Command Line Completion

Installing support for ocne Bash completion helps you to type ocne commands faster and easier.

  1. Install Bash completion for the ocne executable.

    ocne completion bash | sudo tee /etc/bash_completion.d/ocne > /dev/null

    Start a new Bash shell for this to take effect.

    Note: This requires the bash-completion package to be present on your system. If it is not present it can be installed using this command: sudo dnf install -y bash-completion.

  2. Log off from the terminal.

  3. Re-connect again via SSH to the ocne instance.

    ssh oracle@<ip_address_of_instance>
  4. Confirm Bash completion works.

    Type the ocne command <SPACE> and press the Tab key twice. The Bash prompt returns the available sub-commands for the ocne command.

    Example Output:

    [oracle@ocne ~]$ ocne 
    application  (Manage ocne applications)
    catalog      (Manage ocne catalogs)
    cluster      (Manage ocne clusters)
    completion   (Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell)
    help         (Help about any command)
    image        (Manage ocne images)
    node         (Manage ocne nodes)

Next steps

Using the libvirt provider is a helpful tool for local testing and development. You now know how to use the libvirt provider to install and manage Oracle Cloud Native Environment 2. However, this is only the start. Check out the Oracle Linux Training Station for additional tutorials and content.